Contact Us

Call or Text: (562) 330-3195


Location:  We are located in sunny Southern California in the Orange County area. However, our location, is not usually relevant to the ability to do business together. I actually recommend that out-of-state customers heavily consider doing business with us especially for high dollar purchases as there is a considerable savings in the area of sales tax.

Store: Juell Time is not a brick and mortar store so there is not a physical location to shop but we have a wonderful online store. Also, consider this; all websites are your online store when seeking out inspiration for a custom jewelry piece. Save images and links of what you like. I specialize in taking consideration of all layers of the design concept and bringing it all together for the perfect piece.

Concierge Service: In this day and age of the internet, not only is a brick and mortar store not needed, but I am the store. I can bring the store to you physically, or through email and text messaging by image sharing. It works VERY well, and my clients LOVE this type of personalized customer service. It saves time and money.

Appointments:  We recommend you shop at our online store or your favorite online designer store for inspiration, then contact Kelly to make an appointment for pricing and to discuss further ideas.